Saturday, December 12, 2009

Well, Today I Had..........

To make a choice about where I wanted to work. Not a bad thing with the way the job market is, I had to choose between two places that provide a very good living for my family and I. The only thing that blows is I had 3 hours to make my choice. Now before you say WTF, this is common place for the industry I'm in, and this makes the fourth time I've had to make this choice, so 3 hours was (sad to say), a long time compared to previous times.
The 3 previous times I choose to go back to where I worked for 10+ years, and pretty much knew how to do everything with my eyes closed. The only downfall is 4 guys who are total Fucking Assholes, and make working there a nightmare even in the best of times!!!! You know the ones, always watching someone Else's bobber instead of worrying about their own. Even when things are going good, unlimited overtime, enough work to go around for everyone, and still find something to Bitch about!! Yeah, you know. They are the ones who think the world begins and end out their back doors, true Fucking Assholes!!!!
So I made the choice to stay where I'm at, and get excited about the 2 million dollar expansion that's taking place, and get my share of the pie!!
In the long run did I make the right choice?? Ha, only time will tell.
I also don't give a shit, because I have the best partner any guy could ever hope for backing me up, and propping me up when things aren't going my way!!!! She let's me ride my bike whenever I want, and even is letting buy my very own Surly Pugsley!!!!
Cindi my dear, I love you more than you know!!!!!

In closing, I give the four Fuckheads the two finger salute, (one finger on each hand), and bid you farewell.... You will no longer affect my mood, and I wash my hands of your negitivity!!!!
Man, I feel better already!!!! Ahhhhhh


1 comment:

Doug said...

Whew! Even I felt a little relief after you got that off your chest. Hope it works out for you.