Monday, November 8, 2010

Now I Remember .........

How much I disliked my old job at Irathane Systems!!!
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be working, but if I was single; I would've taken the unenjoyment and been a much happier person right about now!!!
At Iracore Int. I was up and at em at 4 a.m. no questions asked. It's starting my 2nd full week here, and I can't make myself get up any earlier than 6 a.m.
The thought of coming to this place turns my stomach like you have no idea!!!
The only thing that gets me out of bed are the 4 people that depend on me!!
Cindi, Thomas, Zack and Jenna, I Love You Guys!!! Thanks for keeping me going!!
I'd also like to say, bare with me through this time!!! :))
Anyway, here's to getting up every day, and loving what you do!!!
I can't wait for that day to come again for me!!!

1 comment:

rlove2bike said...

I hear you on the going to work. Although with me, I like my job, its the commute I dislike. They tell me its the price I pay to live where I do.