Well, I've had my new Fat Bike since Tuesday???
really in the days that have followed me picking it up, things at work have been busy busy, working 10 + hours a day tends to blend things together. i woke up at 4 a.m. this morning thinking it was Friday, and i had to get to work, but alas i was told to go back to bed it's Saturday!!!
anyway, i haven't been thinking about much more than getting out on the new Pugsley for more than a ride to work!!!
having a sick house load of people doesn't bode well for me getting out for a real ride on my newest toy.
i can say from my rides back and forth to work, i am totally in "LOVE" with this Fat Bike!!! i haven't had this much fun riding a bike in like FOREVER!!!
before work as i pull up to the building, i think i should call in sick right then and there in the parking lot, and continue my ride throughout the day!!! speaking of work, i wish i had my camera as the guys at work just stood there staring at this "COOL ASS" bike (as one co-worker put it), the chins were on the ground, and no one would leave me alone with the questions about it.
after work, i have a hard time steering the "FUN MACHINE" towards home??!!
i can do things on this Pugsley that i could never do on my 2.1" tired bike!!
the 4" tires just instill so much more confidence, and the learning curve is getting figured out rather quickly, if i do say so myself. i love the new H-bars (thanks Doug), talk about comfortable and they make you feel so much more in control!!!
I've started another blog totally dedicated to my new ride, and my adventures will be posted there from now on.
i do have to say, if you've been on the fence about getting a "Fat Bike", jump off that fence on the side of taking the plunge, and get it!!! you will not be sorry!!!
the first time i heard about the Surly Pugsley was 10 (?) years ago; i can't really remember, but it's been awhile, and i'm really sorry i didn't jump on one sooner!!!